First Professional Degree. Occupations
that require at least two years of full-time academic study beyond a
bachelor's degree (for example, law, medicine, dentistry and clergy).
Doctoral Degree. Occupations that require
at least three years of full-time academic study beyond a bachelor's
degree culminating in a doctoral degree.
Master's Degree. Occupations that require
the completion of a master's degree program which is usually one to two
years beyond a bachelor's degree.
Bachelor's Degree or Higher and Some Work Experience. Occupations
that generally require work experience in an occupation requiring a bachelor's
or higher degree. Most occupations in this category are managerial occupations
that require work experience in a related non-managerial occupation.
Bachelor's Degree. Occupations that
require the completion of at least four but not more than five years
of full-time academic study beyond high school resulting in a Bachelor's
Associate Degree. Occupations that require
the completion of at least two years of full-time academic study beyond
high school.
Post-Secondary Vocational Education. Occupations
that require completion of vocational school training.
Work Experience in a Related Occupation. Occupations
that require skills obtained through work experience in a related occupation.
Long-Term On-The-Job-Training. Occupations
that require more than 12 months of on-the-job training or combined work
experience and formal classroom instruction for workers to develop the
skills needed for average job performance.
Moderate-Term On-The-Job-Training. Occupations
in which workers can develop average job performance after 1 to 12 months
of combined on-the-job experience and informal training.
Short-Term On-The-Job-Training. Occupations
in which workers can develop skills needed after a short demonstration
or up to one month of on-the-job experience and instruction |