
Clusters - Introduction

Welcome to the Critical Occupational Clusters, for the Sacramento Region (El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties). Included in this report are the seven occupational clusters that have been identified as critical to the regional economy by Sacramento Works, Inc. These clusters reflect those occupations that are most consistent with our goal of helping job seekers, through the one-stop career center system, to find long term, career-oriented employment. The occupations contained in each of the clusters were selected based on a variety of criteria, including, but not limited to, absolute growth,replacement need and/or percent growth for the forecast period.


The information presented here can be used for a variety of purposes, including career counseling, economic and workforce development, and program planning. Job seekers can also use the information for wage comparisons, identifying typical education and training requirements for occupations, as well as identifying those occupations and/or clusters that are projected to provide the most new jobs due to growth or replacement need.


In addition, Sacramento Works, Inc., the local Workforce Investment Board, is charged with providing policy, planning and oversight for local workforce development initiatives, and whose mission is to unite business, education and public agencies to assure qualified and trained workers are available to meet the needs of the region’s economy. The top priority goals of Sacramento Works Inc. are to:


1.  Prepare customers for viable employment opportunities and career pathways in the region by improving the one stop career center system.


2.  Support regional employers’ efforts to hire, train, and transition employees by enhancing and communicating the availability and value of Sacramento Works’ employer and business services.


3.  Prepare youth to thrive and succeed in the regional workforce by providing relevant work readiness and employment programs and engaging regional employers and academia.